Well, I was surfing some blogs this morning and I found something I just had to steal . . .
I was taking a look at Metal Mark's Blog
"Heavy Metal Time Machine" and I came across a list of musical questions that I couldn't help but find interesting. Seeing as how it is "Music Week" here at The Station, I was all but obligated to snag Mark's list and make it my own.
I took the essence of his original post, changed a few things and here is my own version of Metal Mark's "10 Important Musical Questions" -
1. What is your favorite decade for music?
2. Who is the musician you respect the most?
3. Who is the musician you respect the least?
4. What was the first album you ever bought or that someone bought for you?
5. What was the first album you ever heard that you thought was great?
6. What is the most underrated band of all time?
7. What is the most overrated band of all time?
8. What is your favorite album of all time?
9. What is your favorite album cover of all time?
10. Do you think albums will even exist in 10 years?
My answers:
1. Believe it or not, the 1970's (I agree with Metal Mark all the way on this one). Some of the best music ever made came out of the 70's - Pink Floyd's "Animals", The Stones' "Some Girls", Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours", Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" . . . not to mention The Eagles, KISS, Led Zeppelin and a whole host of others. The 80's were pretty energetic and there is certainly plenty of great music from that and other decades, but for me it was the 70's. Heck, I even like disco.
2. This is tough. I respect a lot of musicians - Lindsay Buckingham, Joe Satriani, The Edge, Miles Davis, Neil Peart . . . I think my one person, though would have to be David Gilmour. He just embodies every nuance of what I find intellectual about music (specifically - Rock music). He writes good songs, he sings cool lyrics and he plays incredibly awesome guitar. The live show ain't bad either.
3. This one ain't quite so tough - Britney Aguillera Von Simpson. In case you were wondering - that's every single performer out there who has ever answered this question with a "Yes" - Do I care more about how my cover-shot on the new issue of "Teen-Steam" Magazine is going to look than how the music I am producing actually sounds?
4. The first "album" I remember owning was a cassette tape of "Rio" by Duran Duran. My family can attest to the fact that I played the crap out of it. Good stuff, though. I am very proud to say that my first CD was "The Joshua Tree" by U2 given to me by my beloved brother many, many Christmases ago. (Thanks for that, Brother O, btw.)
5. Had to think about this one awhile. Probably "Seven and The Ragged Tiger" by Duran Duran. What can I say . . . it was a long time ago and I was pretty into Simon le Bon and the fellows back when.
6. The most underrated band of all time has to be Echo & The Bunnymen. There are alot of underrated bands out there - The Smiths, Tears for Fears, ZZ Top . . . but no other musical act has consistently put out such heartfelt and evocative music as Echo & The Bunnymen for so long without getting any serious respect for it. I've even heard that U2 wanted to sound more like them when they first started playing. How's that for an endorsement?
7. The Beatles. Now, before I get a comment section full of hate mail . . . I like The Beatles. I like them alot, but I just do not see the blind devotion some people pay them. I'd probably have them somewhere near the top, but clearly behind Pink Floyd, U2, Zeppelin, and The Stones.
8. My favorite album of all time is "The Joshua Tree" by U2. "Moving Pictures" by RUSH and "Animals" by Pink Floyd are awesome as well, but if I could only take one with me as I board the lunar orbiter, it would have to be "The Joshua Tree". Get it out and give it another listen and see if you don't agree.
9. "The Joshua Tree" has a pretty cool cover, but the best of all time is probably something like Journey's "Frontiers" or "Very" by The Pet Shop Boys (look it up). I agree with Metal Mark that Maiden has some really cool looking covers. I remember working on getting my Eddie to look just right on my Trapper-Keeper back in Junior High. Wow, that was a long time ago.
10. I certainly hope so.
Ben O.
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