Okay, here's one for ya . . .
It's getting on toward that darkened, slow-burning part of the night that has at times been called "The Witching Hour". I know because I can just make out what sounds like Norman Bates enduring yet another scolding from his some-what-less-than-sympathetic mother amidst the blood-curdling howls of what can only be the resident pack of wild wolfmen, vampires and whatever other B-Movie, nocturnal, fang-having creatures the guys down in the prop department could come up with.
After making peace with the shadows I once again find myself sitting alone in our less-than-plush upstairs loft area, wandering around aimlessly in a place where nothing should ever be done without at least a modicum of aim . . . you know what I'm talkin' about . . . that's right . . .
The Internet.
I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that Websters defines "The Internet" as a seamlessly integrated and thoroughly high-tech network of juvenile delinquents, political whackos and smelly, sweat-stained porno dealers all bent upon cramming as much spam-ridden crapola down your email inbox as the newest available loophole will legally allow.
I'm pretty sure that's what my lil' pocket dictionary said the last time I checked.
Now, far be it from me to bad mouth any of Al Gore's inventions. I actually still use my "Clapper" every time I feel the need for a little mood lighting coming on.
What is that? He didn't invent "The Clapper"? Are you sure?
No matter - The Internet is alive and well and the only thing I enjoy more than an airport security pat-down is the freedom I enjoy as a citizen of this planet to venture forth and casually peruse any darn website I choose (At any hour and in any combination of hawaiian shirt and pajama pants I see fit to do so . . . I might add.)
As long as we all watch where we step, I think it might actually be okay to get back out there and begin surfing again. I know there might be a little fear and trepidation, but if we don't then they have already won. (To be perfectly honest, I don't even know who they are . . . but I sure don't want to see them win. Do you?)
That's what I thought.
Ben O.
(BTW - Don't forget to click the Audiozue button if ya haven't already. Thanks!)