Feedback Monday (#69)
Okay people, here's one for ya . . .
All Hallow's Eve is creeping ever closer and I haven't even trimmed the words "Trick or Treat" into the hedge yet.
Oh, the shame of it.
The good news (yep, there's good news) is that I did get the check written for this year's dues to The Creepiest Guy Around Society, so that shipment of dry ice and recycled fake spider webs should be arriving any minute now.
And, yes . . . that is a lightsabre and not merely the proof that I'm glad to see you, residing in my pocket. (Guess what I'm going as this year. Go ahead - guess.)
So, since it's way too scary around here for anything else - this week's Feedback Question simply must coincide.
Here goes -
What scares you the most?
That's it. That's the assignment.
Tell us all about that secret fear. The thing you never tell anyone about because it's just too frightening and you're worried about sending yourself into a shaking fit from which you might never return.
Woooooooo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa
(Can you feel the artificially enhanced spookiness already?)
Should be fun . . .
Ben O.
Labels: dry ice, Feedback Friday, recycled