I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
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Location: Colorado

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#21)

Happy Halloween!

Ain't it just the coolest holiday out there?

Okay Santa, we know where you stand.

I thought we would go out with a bang on the whole "bizzaro-Star Warsish-Dogs wearing costumes" theme. If these lil' guys don't get ya going, you need to change the batteries my friend.

Should be especially spooktacular . . .

Ben O.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Feedback Friday (#48)

Sorry about the unplanned absence this past week. I really enjoy the input all of you devoted readers provide and normally make it a point to announce any extended time away from the ole' blog, but unfortunately this week caught me by surprise and I just wasn't able to post anything.

Thanks for hanging in there . . .

(Actually, we didn't even know you were gone)

That's reassuring.

Now, how about some feedback?

It is Friday after all.

Today's assignment is a good one. We here at Procrastination Station World-Wide
Headquarters in beautiful downtown Frozenwastelandville, U.S.A want to hear all about your favorite Halloween memory. Tell us all there is to know about the time you stayed up late hiding in the bushes by your house dressed as an alien zombie only to discover the "shrub" was in fact a rare strain of extremely itchy poison ivy, or the year you and your twin sister decided to go trick or treating dressed as salt and pepper shakers and got your butts kicked by every kid on the block because you really looked like giant walking baby bottles or the time you swallowed the fake plastic vampire teeth at the haunted-mansion themed school fall festival and had to eat a whole pack of ex-lax just to make things right again.

Should be fun . . .

Ben O.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Feedback Monday (#47)

Monday is here and isn't it grandiosely mediocre!?!

Gotta love the beginning of the work week. So much promise . . . so much work to be put aside for another day.

Let's get right into some feedin' back, shall we . . .

In keeping with our spookier-than-imaginable theme this month, we're gonna venture out onto the edge (out past that creepy old house that nobody every comes back from).

What was the closest you've ever come to dying?

That's it, that's the assignment. I don't mean to overly ruffle any feathers out there in PS readerville, but we've probably all had one of those incidents occur in our lives where the next day you woke up and thought to yourself - "Hey! I'm lucky to be alive!".

Here's your chance to stare death in the face and tell us all about it.

Should be particularly interesting . . .

Ben O.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Trick or Treat

And lo in this our season of harvest and spookiness, the ghosts and ghoulies are hiding behind each and every tombstone anxiously waiting for that moment when the moon is the only light to be seen. And isn't it a faint and mysterious light at that?

The Official Procrastination Station "Top Ten Things about Halloween" -

1. It's the one day a year that you can wear your favorite spandex tights and hooded cape and not get called names like "Captain Twinkle-toes" and "Count Schmuckula".

2. The 5th Food Group - Candy Corn.

3. You're relatively safe from Dracula and his minions as long as you remember to smear your entire body in a "lady-pleasing" concoction of minced garlic cloves, overly-ripened wheat germ and warm Twinkie-filling before heading out at night.

4. Who doesn't enjoy cruising the bargain-basement section of eBay for a couple of boxes of .45 calibre silver bullets and some of those flame-retardant, glow-in-the-dark crucifixes?

5. "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!"

6. If the witches' brooms aren't swishing by too loudly and the zombies don't moan too much, you can just make out the distinct cry of the wolf-man off in the distance.

7. With every Autumn leaf that falls, a gargoyle gets its wings.

8. As creepy as Michael Jackson is now, the video for Thriller is still the all-time highpoint of his cinematic scariness. It's the fright-fashizzle.

9. Freddy, Jason and Michael have all retired. Or have they?

10. Not a single slice of left-over turkey or any can-shaped lumps of cranberry sauce within sight.

Ben O.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#20)

Okay people, here's one for ya . . .

It's time for another installment of the ever-popular, but still-not-able-to-pay-the-bills weekly game - "Super Fantastic Caption Contest".

This time around, in keeping with the clever-than-clever Halloween theme, we have a nice lil' shot of some costume wearing kids in a quasi-at-best Halloween endeavor.

Let the wit begin.

Should be fun . . .

Ben O.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Feedback Monday (#46)

Okay, here's one for ya . . .

Only two weeks left until the big day (No Rollin, it's not Columbus Day again), and we here at PS Regional Headquarters want to know what your favorite "Scary" movie is.

I think we asked you all once in the past about your list of "Scariest" movies . . . well check the subtlety . . . this is different. I want to hear all about your goto flick for Halloween jitters. Doesn't necessarily have to be the creepiest show out there.

Maybe it isn't even scary . . . maybe it's "The Santa Clause II". I don't care, I just want to know why. And if it is "The Santa Claus II", well then, Lucy . . . you got some 'splaining to do.

Should be fun . . .

Ben O.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday The 13th

Okay people, here's a lil' something for ya . . .

Today, Arapoe Basin became the first Ski Area in North America to officially open for business this season.

Let the fun begin - Colorado's best time of the year is upon us!

Ben O.

(I know there aren't too many skiers out there, but I wanted to shout it out anyway.)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#19)

Okay people, in response to the 17 crates of letters we received from loyal readers detailing how pleased you are with the current-on-going "dog" theme each week for the caption contests . . . we're certainly not going to upset the masses now.

Why re-invent the freakin' wheel?

Should be a good one . . .

Ben O.

(It's Halloween themed as well, although arguably not as terrifying as that animal claiming to be a dog a few posts down.)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Feedback Monday (#45)

Okay, here's one for ya . . .

In honor of the coolest holiday of the year, the head-honchos here at PS Headquarters have made the radical decision to ask only Halloween-themed questions for the entire month.

This being the first Feedback session in October, the scariness level might not seem to terribly horrifying just yet. Probably somewhere between "Charlie Brown's The Great Pumpkin" and those pictures of you and your frat brothers at that "Initiation Ceremony" that have been circulating around the Internet for the past 7 years . . . creepy and worthy of a good case of the jitters, but not quite "Jason with an axe on the prowl" scary.

So without further additional nonsense . . . let's get right to it.

What was the best costume you ever wore?

That's it - that's the assignment.

We want to know all about the time you covered yourself in tinfoil and went as Sputnik or maybe your best trick or treats memory is of that time you and your two best friends went as the Three Stooges (and coincidentally didn't need much of anything in the way of costumes to make it believable.), or it might even be that time you spilt some ketchup on your shirt just before answering the door and scared all the trick or treating neighbor kids out of their minds without even realizing what they heck was going on.

This should be fun . . .

Ben O.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#18)

Well, it's Tuesday again and even people living in Montreal need their weekly Super Fantastic Caption Fix.

So, let's get right to it . . .


This one's a humdinger for sure.

Ben O.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Okay people, here's a brain-teaser for ya . . .

What is the second largest French-speaking city in the world?

Over-Worked, Under-Paid PS Intern