I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
My Photo
Location: Colorado

Monday, July 31, 2006

Do You Have Any Burritos?

Well, I'm back from the week-long, traveling, "road-trip-extravaganza" Family Vacation and surprisingly the only things that got seriously hurt were a few golf balls, the wooden-nickel dispenser at the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner and a couple of cheddar-knockwurst sausages.

Before we go any further, I want to send out a big "Thanks" to everyone who helped make the trip such a rousing success - Captain Travis, David Crockett, that crazy boat-driver with the coke-bottle glasses, Kosmos Spoetzl, Inner-Space Cavern Trainee-boy, the guy who invented "Spinner" dominoes, Ray Stevens and the lady who sold us the "after-hours" pies.

While we were gone, the days slipped away, and as I sit here typing this nonsense up, I can see that tomorrow is already another Tuesday. In accordance with the by-laws of the Federation of Independent Blogs, I'll be posting this week's photo for the Super Fantastic Caption Contest a little bit later. I hope everyone is having as much fun with the caption contests as I am. All the comments have been fantastic - keep 'em coming.

Ben O.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#8)

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday . . .

The best day of the week, if you happen to be a bizarre photograph in need of some "comic" explanation.

But . . . it's Wednesday doofus!

Yes, I know. In my defense, I was on an Airbus at 30,000 feet watching Direct TV yesterday and didn't have time to get this week's picture posted on the right day. (Who's paying attention anyway?)

The good news is that I now have a computer in front of me and I had the forethought to email myself the photo, so it's time for another Super Fantastic Caption Contest.

(The gallery erupts with applause from all the rabidly devoted Station-Heads.)

I don't know if this week's picture is going to top last week's. That one was truly strange (If you missed it, simply scroll down until you smell something funny on the bottom of your shoe). I think the offering this time around is a bit more subdued - more of an empty canvas, if you will.

That don't mean it ain't got loads of potential for all those witty comments, though.

I'm looking forward to reading all about what you all think is happening here . . .

Ben O.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Feedback Saturday (#38)

Friday has come and gone, but it's cool because everyone knows that Saturday is the essence of Friday's promises come to fruition.

Here at Procrastination Station Corporate Headquarters we make it a point to take the opportunity that the weekend provides and collect some valuable data from all of you devoted readers out there. It's a little thing we like to call "Feedback Friday (or Saturday in this case)".

For anyone out there who is confused or possibly doesn't even know how you got here, it's really pretty simple . . .

We employee three of what can only be described as "the most amazingly mediocre" blog-writers in The Rocky Mountain Region. With two of them on extended holiday in Antarctica, that leaves yours truly as the sole creator of material for this lovely little site, and even I can't come up with interesting things to say every single day.

(We noticed!)

That's where you come in . . .

Without the valuable feedback you guys provide, this blog would undoubtedly wither and die (or go on forever in relative obscurity much like it already does - it's really a toss up). The point is that what you have to say is sometimes the best stuff we come across.

So, now that we've gotten all the legal mumbo-jumbo out of the way, let's get down to the work at hand.

This week we're gonna explore some of the literary inclinations floating around out there. I want to know all about your three favorite books and what it is about them that you love. And I don't want to see the first three Harry Potters as your complete list. Let's try and spread the wealth a little bit, okay?

I must admit that I have a real soft spot for books and I can't wait to hear all about the stories you all think are the best and why.

Ben O.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

That's What She Said

Hey out there - don't worry - I'm not in hiding.

No need to send out the dogs just yet. Actually, I'm not quite ready to switch thoughts from this week's Caption Contest.

I think this wacky shot still has some more too offer us via your insightful and witty comments.

Keep 'em coming, people . . .

Ben O.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#7)

Okay people, even though it's only Monday evening I just couldn't wait to post this week's picture.

This one strikes me as so totally strange that I'm actually dumbfounded as to the so-called reality behind it. It almost looks staged, it's so wacky.

I haven't got a clue what the heck is going on here . . .

(I tried to warn ya)

I can't wait to read all of your captions . . .

Ben O.

T-Shirt Logic

Evil Twin Biff

Friday, July 14, 2006

Feedback Friday (#37)

Well, it's Friday again and even though I'm not at my home computer (hence the absence of my cute little picture of Hamish the Highland Bull), I still wanted to pose a question to generate some feedback.

I'm a little stressed out today for reasons I won't go into and it makes me wonder what stresses you all out.

You guys are the absolute best readers on the net and I'm thinking that hearing what gets you all freaked out might make me feel a tad bit better.

It's a theory at least . . .

So, that's it.

That's the assignment - what stresses you out?

I would say that this should be fun, but it will most likely just be stressful.


Ben O.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

That's Gonna Leave a Mark

So, I was surfing my "somewhat-less-than-reputable" stash of comic sites and I came across this peach of a strip. I love humor that tries to take itself serious but stumbles all over what everyone else already knows all too well.

Great Stuff!

Ben O.

BTW - If you haven't left a comment in this week's Super Fantastic Caption Contest (see post below) give it a shot. It's fun . . . and the price is certainly right.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#6)

Okay people . . .

Tuesday has come around again and that can only mean one thing -

It's the last day to turn in those Idatarod Race Entry Forms?

Not exactly.

Actually, it's time for the weekly Caption Contest (don't worry . . . it isn't really a contest!)

I think this week's pic is a dandy -

I'm looking forward to reading all those fun and interesting comments . . .

Ben O.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Feedback Friday (#36)

Okay people, it's Friday again (work with me . . . it's technically still Thursday, but due to budget cut-backs I'm gonna go ahead and post this sucker a few hours early). I can all but hear the big-wigs up in Corporate complaining about all the money we spend on clean water and cooked food down here.

This blog thing isn't always the glamour-fest that it might seem.

Okay . . . here's this week's assignment -

What is your favorite thing to do with your free time?

What is your dearest hobby or most treasured way to waste a stolen moment?

That's it - That's your homework for the weekend.

Tell us all about it . . . and don't even think about leaving out any of the details about how you love to go cow-tipping in the buff in the Autumn moonlight or how the tiles always fall your way when you're in the "zone" during those weekend-long Scrabble-by-way-of-Twister Tournaments.

Do tell.

This should be a fun one . . .

Ben O.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#5)

Okay people . . . it's time to pry open the seemingly bottomless box of strange and unique photos and have another go at trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Yep, that's right . . . it's Tuesday and that's the day we here at Procrastination Station hold our weekly Super Fantastic Caption Contest.

Now I know that there are exactly zero people online right now. Most are probably out grilling up hotdogs and trying to get their kids to stop lighting cherry bombs under the cat. And for those devoted readers outside the US . . . well, I'm sure you have something better to do than sitting around reading blogs on a Tuesday as well.


Well, I'm gonna post this week's picture regardless and hope for the best.

In honor of that beloved lil' National Holiday we like to call The Fourth of July, I decided to run a google image search using the words "July 4th". Believe it or not, this beauty was actually one of the shots that popped up (I'm not quite sure what that says about our society, btw).

Have fun . . .

Ben O.