Chevy Novas For Everyone!
Wasn't it George Orwell or Jules Verne or Bill Gates who said that we would all be flying around ala The Jetsons in the sleekest, most fuel efficient super-vehicles this side of Epcot Center by now?
Is this not the Twenty-First Century?
So, what the heck happened on the way to the future? I want my own Imperial Stardestroyer already . . . and I want it in an eye-pleasing shade of Candy-Apple Red, please.
Seriously, if you pop in to any suburban shopping mall in the country you're likely to get zapped from all the excess iPod battery power flying around the Cinnabon-infested ether. I can't even count the number of times I've said to myself, "Can't the same company that so easily provides us with endless musical enjoyment also figure out a way to manufacture a car battery that runs on left over potato-chip grease and dryer lint?" I think they can . . . and should.
Here's what I propose - we break in during the night and snag a couple of those pasty-white, cave-dwelling product research junkies out at the main campus in San Francisco . . . and before they even know what hit 'em, they're chained to the wall down in the sub-basement here at PS headquarters.
No snacks until we see something really exciting from you two on this whole "energy efficient automobile" problem.
Who knows . . . we could have iCars by Christmas.
Ben O.
BTW - If you haven't commented yet on this week's Super Fantastic Caption Contest, scroll down a tad and try not to fall out of your chair.