Friday has come and gone, but it's cool because everyone knows that Saturday is the essence of Friday's promises come to fruition.
Here at Procrastination Station Corporate Headquarters we make it a point to take the opportunity that the weekend provides and collect some valuable data from all of you devoted readers out there. It's a little thing we like to call "Feedback Friday (or Saturday in this case)".
For anyone out there who is confused or possibly doesn't even know how you got here, it's really pretty simple . . .
We employee three of what can only be described as "the most amazingly mediocre" blog-writers in The Rocky Mountain Region. With two of them on extended holiday in Antarctica, that leaves yours truly as the sole creator of material for this lovely little site, and even I can't come up with interesting things to say every single day.
(We noticed!)
That's where you come in . . .
Without the valuable feedback you guys provide, this blog would undoubtedly wither and die (or go on forever in relative obscurity much like it already does - it's really a toss up). The point is that what you have to say is sometimes the best stuff we come across.
So, now that we've gotten all the legal mumbo-jumbo out of the way, let's get down to the work at hand.
This week we're gonna explore some of the literary inclinations floating around out there. I want to know all about your three favorite books and what it is about them that you love. And I don't want to see the first three Harry Potters as your complete list. Let's try and spread the wealth a little bit, okay?
I must admit that I have a real soft spot for books and I can't wait to hear all about the stories you all think are the best and why.
Ben O.