I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
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Location: Colorado

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#52)

Okay people,

It's that time again and I know that every single one of you is chomping at the bit to get your game on.

Let's not prolong the agony any longer, shall we.

Here's the picture this week -

I happen to think it's a good one.

Let's see what you all think . . .

Ben O.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Most Depressing Day of The Year

Okay people, here's one for ya . . .

Yesterday was supposedly "The Most Depressing Day of the Year". Hey, I don't make this stuff up - I heard it on the radio. I guess it has something to do with Christmas expenditure bills coming due and abandoned New Year's Resolutions and the Sun and the Moon aligning and the cost of foreign oil. It all comes to a head on the 3rd Monday in January every year. Wonderful.

With all due respect to the experts at NASA, I would humbly submit that there are actually more depressing days scattered throughout the year. Hey, I'm certainly not a professional, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

(That's not true.)

So, here's a handy, dandy lil' guide as to what we here at Procrastination Station think are actually more depressing days than the official most depressing day of the year -

1. Whatever day The Spice Girls Reunion Tour Extravaganza comes to your town.

2. Feedback Fridays

3. You've all heard of Groundhog day - what about Three-Toed Sloth day? It's pretty depressing.

4. The day that it's your turn to test out the "kicked in the nuts" machine.

5. The day after your car's warranty expires and everything starts falling off en masse as you barrel down the freeway.

Wow, that was actually depressing. I think I need some ice cream.

Ben O.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#51)

Okay, here's one for ya . . .

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Well, this image should only cost you about 10-20 words. At least that's about what it should take to construct the World's wittiest caption.

Should be fun.

Ben O.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Feedback Monday (#72)

Okay, here's one for ya . . .

So last night we were all deprived of the annual privilege of worshipping and celebrating the best and most praise-worthy individuals that live on this planet - movie stars (and TV actors, I know how the Golden Globes works.)

Let me just be the first to say that I didn't really miss it all that much. Am I just being a "Mr. Negative-Pants" or are some of you out there joining me in not being terribly upset about the cancelled awards show? Hey, I love a good movie as much as the next guy (even if the next guy happens to be named Roger Ebert), but couldn't we just get together once or twice a decade and celebrate the movies? Does it really say in the Constitution that we as Americans are required annually to sit through a 17 & 1/2 hour long Hollywood love-fest?

I humbly submit that our beloved founding fathers were wise beyond their years in shaving that portion out of the final draft.

That's just me, though.

Okay, let's be honest here people - not even George Clooney's mother wants to listen to him deliver yet another bloated, over-opinionated acceptance speech for some artsy-fartsy "indie" (Whatever that means!?!) film that nobody will ever go see, but everyone always seems to want to talk about. It's as simple as that.

The only part I actually missed was that infinitely awkward moment where the nerdy costume designer (who they never let out of the sub-basement workshop) is about to finish his speech and they start playing the "That's it, you're done" music and he holds onto the podium for dear life as they mercilessly send in the bouncers to drag his pathetic carcass off into never-ending oblivion.

That's always worth a laugh or two.

So, what part did you miss the most?

That's the assignment this week.

Looking forward to it - Ben O.

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