I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
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Location: Colorado

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#57)

Okay people,

It's that time again. The hour is upon us and there is no turning back.

But, fortunately this week's picture is a good one. Pretty darn good one at that.

I thought you would agree.

Those captions are gonna be priceless . . . as usual.

Ben O.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Feedback Friday (#78)

Okay, here's one for ya . . .

So, it's Sunday and I'm checking out the ads that come bundled in my Sunday Paper. There's all the usual stuff, but one thing hit me as really telling of where we are as a society here in America.

There's a point, so hang in there.

Apparently, there's a new Aerosmith version of the overwhelmingly popular Guitar Hero video game. Hey, I love playing guitar and I even like Aerosmith a little (Their older stuff), but admittedly - I haven't played the game yet.

I know, I know. I've already been told that it's the coolest game ever and I need to venture out of my cave and give it a try. Send me a signed cashier's check for the purchase price and I promise I will.

So, back to the events at hand on Sunday.

I'm flipping through the paper and one of the ads for Aerosmith's Greatest Hits on CD at the new mega-store, "Best Circuit Warehouse City", actually said this -

"Contains songs heard in Guitar Hero"


Did I miss something? The CD that has been out since before CDs were invented, has songs contained on it that are from the video game that is younger than my flim?

Am I reading this correctly?

It was in that very moment that I new I was old.

And . . . if you are still reading this, odds are that you are old too.

So, for today's assignment - let's hear all about the goofiest thing you've seen lately come out of our "Miley Cyrus is cool and Pink Floyd is gone" culture. What headline or advertisement out there makes you feel old or out of touch?

This should be interesting.

Ben O.

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