Okay, a few weeks back I told you about the strange disappearance of Evil Twin Biff. Well, here we are today and he still hasn't been heard from. His desk remains as unusually clean as the day we discovered he had a desk. His parking spot has, for the past month, been inhabited by this strange little man with a hot dog and gyro stand. And, even though we figured it for a longshot, he has yet to return to his favorite new restaurant, that new Star Wars themed Asian restaurant that he loves so much - "Padmei Thai".
It's like he just vanished. Walked out into the cornfields never to be seen or heard from again.
Until that is, this morning . . .
I have in my hot little hand a veritable beacon of hope amidst the bleak and desperate vortex of insanity revolving around Evil Twin Biff's inexplicable disappearance.
It's a note.
From Biff.
Written in what appears to be either chocolate fudge or something infinitely less exciting than chocolate fudge. I know the anticipation is palpable, so I won't prolong the agony any further.
Here's what it says -
"Gone Walkabout. Took the laptop and the petty cash. Guess where I am. No, really - Guess."
It goes on to say -
"It'll be fun. Everyone loves a riddle. A puzzle. And this will be the biggest mystery to hit the internet since the confounding popularity of Facebook.
So, with that I bid you farewell. At least until somebody guesses where I am.
Forever Yours - Biff
P.S. I had nothing to do with that unfortunate "Little Bo Peep" incident in Wichita that the news has begun reporting about. Honest, I wasn't even in Kansas."
So, the rest of this post is merely academic.
Today's assignment is as straight forward as they come.
Guess where Evil Twin Biff is. It's that simple. Together we can find him . . . I believe it in my heart of hearts.
Thanks for all your help -
Ben O. (on behalf of the Management)
Labels: Chocolate Fudge, Evil Twin Biff, Feedback Friday, Walkabout