I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
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Location: Colorado

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Doofus Musta Gotten Hizself A New Toy

Okay, I'm trying to figure out what the hey is going on with my adorable lil' banner up there.

In the meantime, have some fun with this -

Ben's First iMix (on iTunes)

I know that every 5 year old, PSP having kid out there can run circles around me on iTunes, but at least I'm learning . . . and having a pretty good time at it.

Ain't digitized music great? (Don't answer that, Elvis.)

Ben O.


Blogger Liz said...

OK, now your just rubbing my nose in it Richie Rich. ;)

5:08 PM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Nonny - Well, I'm certainly not richie rich, but I do so love rubbing noses . . . oh wait that's picking noses.

Lingo - I don't have a clue. I am pretty new at it. When I click on it, my iTunes program opens and it goes to the online saved iMix. I though it was fun making it and I assumed that people would be interested. Aparrently not.

Ben O.

BTW - I need some feedback . . . does the banner across the top of the page look normal or is it messed up with some added picture thing?

1:27 AM  

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