I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
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Location: Colorado

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#25)

Okay people, here's a question for ya . . .

You know the song "The 12 Days of Christmas"?

Of course, we've all heard it at least 37,982 times . . . this year.

Well, here's my question - How many of each item does the dude get after it's all said and done?

Does UPS deliver a shiny, new pear tree (complete with partridge) each and every day for just under two weeks? Or, does he just get one lonely tree? Is it cumulative or are these single-shot-one-time-only offers extended from the true love? For that matter, if a pear tree (with a partridge in it) falls in an empty mall parking lot the day after Thanksgiving, does it make a sound?

Don't answer that!

I'm just curious, that's all. Seems like an awful lot of lords a' leaping.

If you came here today looking for a caption contest and are starting to wonder, have no fear.

This week's photo is actually a pretty good one.

I look forward to your comments . . .

Ben O.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tired of being cold on that long ride to school every day? For a limited time, order our patented fur-lined seat warmer, and we'll throw in a free** theft-deterrence system!

**Shipping charges apply. Owner is responsible for food and vet bills. Please walk your seat warmer and theft-deterrence system daily. Not suitable for use in the tropics. Offer valid only for individuals with a spare bedroom. Offer void where prohibited and in all urban areas.

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What do you mean I don't qualify for the carpool lane, officer?!?"

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No, no, that's the brake pedal, Fred! Do I have to do everything? I've got my paws full trying to make this mannequin's arms steer us in the right direction!"

3:59 PM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

"Ha, only wussy dogs stick just their heads out of the car window."

5:47 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Great stuff! I love reading the commments for the Caption Contests.

Ben O.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Here's one for ya . . .

Raised by a pack of wild dogs, Simon naturally enjoys playing their favorite instinctual game - "Riding the scooter into town and picking up chicks."

The other dogs would never admit it, but they are insanely jealous of Simon's thong sandals.

Ben O.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Katherine said...

OK, I think the 12 days of xmas gifts HAVE to be cumulative because if we have to keep singing all the bleeping days after we add one on, we better be getting all those gifts over and over again. Love that picture - I have to ponder a good caption...

8:58 AM  
Blogger Bobkat said...


Thanks for visiting my blog - always nice to meet a new blogger!

Off top of my head a caption would be:

"I told you guys to wrap up warm but the fur coats are a bit excessive!"

I can do better given time but that is in short supply atm!

6:05 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Always glad to see "new" commenters.

Here's another one for ya . . .

"Hey, what can I say - it was Buy-One-Get-One-Free day down at Gigantic Fluffy Dogs 'R' Us."

Ben O.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

Oh, and I agree with Katherine, I believe the 12 Days of Christmas is cumulative.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Hale McKay said...

Your song "Brown Christmas" from last December was a riot. Thanks for mentioning it in my comments.

When the weather turns frigid this year - and it will - you should consider re-runnung it.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

As long as there is snow and ice, there will always be a place for "Brown Christmas". Now if I could just get Michael Bolton or Neil Diamond to return my calls, we could get a nice recorded version going down.

Too sweet to even let myself dream about.

Ben O.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, on the whole "cumulative or just repetitive" 12 Days of Christmas - It certainly comes across as cumulative, so I hope the recipient has a very large estate, 'cause if I do my math right, he or she is getting, like...

12 Drummers drumming
22 Pipers piping (piper down!)
30 Lords a-leaping
36 Ladies dancing (get a choreographer!)
40 maids a-milking (the same cow, or do we get 40 cows too?!)
42 swans a-swimming
42 geese a-laying
40 gold rings (with one to rule them all?)
36 calling birds
30 french hens
22 turtle doves and
12 partridges in 12 pear trees

I've seen some small towns that didn't have that many people and animals...

1:23 PM  
Blogger Glenn said...

New scooter saftey feature:
Fur bags.

Fun to ride until your friend sees you on one.

I'd like two hot dogs delivered please.

Chaps! We don't need no stinking chaps!

"Cmmon Spot stop humping my...Damit Fido! I just waxed that fuel tank.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

Maybe I should trade in my two cats for those two dogs, as my apt has been freezing this past week and I think they would make nice lap dogs.

6:22 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Okay, here's a personalized one for ya . . .

"In an attempt to reduce heating bills, The Electric Co. is inititating an innovative new program. It's easy - simply trade in two cats and they will provide you with two gigantic, shaggy (and drooly) dogs. According to the person we spoke with, these dogs are guaranteed to warm up any mid-sized house or apartment. They are also guaranteed to shatter every single glass item located within your home. The Manager went on to explain that delivery is available, but on a first-come-first-serve basis since they currently only have 1 guy with a scooter."

Ben O.

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty Tam, the man wanted by the FBI for leading the large dog-worshiping cult, the Church of Caniners of Latter Day Saints was arrested in the small town of Erie, Pennsylvania yesterday evening. He and his followers were wanted for stealing dogs from shelters and yards across the United States, over the past 7 years. He was arrested pulling through a stop light with two stolen animals on a scooter. Special agent in charge of the investigation, Stanley Williams said, "Yeah, he was pretty easy to spot." "We got a 911 call of a man riding with 2 large canines on his scooter. He was really easy to catch after that." Tam is on the FBI's 10 most disturbed and now 10 most stupid criminals list.

5:21 PM  

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