Feedback Sunday (#49)
Okay, I know it's Sunday. I can read a calendar.
The problem is that the boss man here at PS Corporate Headquarters don't care. The simple truth is that if I don't get some feedback going down in here something pronto, I'm gonna be spending way too much of my non-existent freetime over at
Oh the shame of it.
So, let's not have to go there . . .
This week's assignment is pretty simple actually. What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
Everyone out there should be able to come up with something . . .
And I don't want to hear from everyone about how your ultimate favorite thing of all favorite things during the Thanksgiving holiday is that slurpy, glopping sound you're always able to produce when you hork your lips around the tin can and vacuum-suck down all the cranberry sauce in Western New Jersey.
It's just gross . . .
Ben O.
Okay people . . . here's how "Feedback Sunday" is supposed to work. I pose a question and you leave your answers here in the lil' comment section.
The one that's currently as empty as Jessica Simpson's head?
Yep, that's the one.
Ben O.
My favorite part about Thanksgiving is that my extended family gets together without the hassle and stress of Christmas. It's all about eating and that's all good in my book. And this year is extra special, because EVERYBODY is going to be there, no one has to go to in-laws and that makes me super duper happy.
the Turkey...the cranberry sauce, Aunt J's tasty deserts...mmm
It's the guilty pleasure derived from picking one or two of the five or so separate Thanksgiving dinners and skipping the rest so I can actually relax and not race all over town eating 24/7. (in-laws' house, mom's house, dad's house, mom's extended family, step-dad's family, etc, etc, etc.) Same goes for Christmas, strangely enough.
Not surprisingly, this one will be posted anonymously.
Where do I begin? The family all together! The rest: the food, desserts, and football are all dressing.
The smell. I love the way it makes the house smell. It's all about the anticipation of the fantastic goodies to come.
That and beer coupled with football.
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