I Can't Really Complain . . . But I Still Do
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Location: Colorado

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Feedback Saturday (#30)

Okay people, here's the scoop - Yesterday was Feedback Friday, Today is Feedback Saturday (because as any persistent reader will tell you, I get a bit lazy sometimes on Friday) and Tomorrow is Mother's Day.

So, what does it all mean?

Duh . . . it means I had better get some quality input collected and pronto or PS management is going to make good on their long-standing threat to take away my key to the restroom.

Not cool.

Actually, it means that I've decided to go with a decidedly softer and cuddlier theme this week - Mom. Ain't she great?

I don't know much, but I'm pretty sure that each and every one of us has or at least had a Mother at some point, so nobody gets a pass on this one.

I want to know your favorite thing about your Mother.

This shouldn't be too terribly difficult.

In fact, I'll go ahead and get this party started . . .

There are a bunch of things about my Mom that I love, but I'll let you all in on this little secret - my Mom makes the world's best pancakes. I'm not kidding. They totally rock. And, get this . . . we eat them with peanut butter. (Try it sometime, it's actually pretty darn good.)

Okay, now it's your turn.

This should be fun . . .

Ben O. (Thanks for everything, Mom . . . and Happy Mother's Day)


Blogger mr. schprock said...

I guess the favorite thing I can think of about my mother was how she used to tie me into bed at night. The straps were never so tight they cut off my circulation. That was real nice of her.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Son, for those sweet Mothers'Day comments! Anytime you get a cravin' for those pancakes, I would love to cook you up a batch. One of the things I loved most about my Mother was that she could do just about anything - a wonderful cook, a talented seamstress, etc, - but the BEST thing was that she thought that I could do just about anything!! Which gave me the confidence to try some things. BTW, I feel the same way about my wonderful kids!!!

7:37 PM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

Bloody heck, this is harder than you think it is...my mom stopped cooking YEARS ago, she's not in the least bit adventurous, she sits too close to me in church completely not understanding the concept of personal space, she hasn't had an independent thought in years, she's passive-aggressive and drives me up a wall with her non-committal-ness.

On the other hand, all of my friends love her and she's a nice person to everyone. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body and she's smarter than she gives herself credit for. She loves her children above all else, works exceptionally long hours and is generous to a fault at Christmas & birthdays.

10:02 AM  
Blogger NYPinTA said...

My mother finds the same kinds of things funny as I do. And we are both pretty warped.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

My favorite thing about my mom is that she is totally HERE for me. She's my best friend. I know that if everyone in the world hated me: She would still love me and understand me.
Why would people hate me though?

9:20 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Hiya Ben-O!
I know I am late, I know I have been mia for awhile around here. Been busy with my son getting married. Anyways here is what I loved about my mom.
She laughed about life, love and everything even when it was not all good.
She baked awesome cookies at Christmas time.
She loved her childeren very much.
She always made the best of every situation she went thru.
She kept up her great sense of humor during her chemo and radiation treatments. Told us no sense in crying about it so we laughed with her.
I missed her so much this past Mother's Day. I always do but this year it was harder. I guess cause I am going to be a grandma and I remembered how thrilled and excited she was when I was pregnat with the one who just got married.

7:52 AM  

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