Super Fantastic Caption Contest (#44)
Hey, it's Back!
No, not complimentary hair removal.
The Super Fantastic Caption Contest.
Can you contain yourselves?
I should think not -
I look forward to checking out all those captions . . .
Ben O.
Labels: Super Fantastic Caption Contest
"I should have known there was a catch to this medical research study."
(A few seconds earlier, at the Medical Building)
Just take one of these and call me in the morning.
Ben O.
"I have to get this to the Patent Office before anyone steals my idea!"
Ben, I can't stop laughing at your "take one and call me in the morning" one!
Sometimes they just come to you.
I remember a Stormtrooper comment you left that kept me laughing for days.
Ben O.
"That little Dutch boy is going to be so happy."
Ok, as soon as I get this to the campsite I'll be a third of the way to making the biggest damn s'more the world has ever seen!
Dude, when I attach this to my bike, I'm going to have the world's sweetest steamroller.
I think you win the contest Ben...what a pill. hehe!
Darn it ... I should have read that EBAY decription a little better.
The last of the now legendary Neolithic Wafers was found today in the catacombs beneath the University of Wisconsin Library. Nobody knows what they are or why they exist, but most scientists feel that they were built by the ancient Druids in a vain attempt at constructing the World's first and only giant roll of Mentos. The find was removed to moderate fanfare and will now be on exhibit at the San Francisco Museum of Strangeness along side the other 7 known wafers, the pickled toe of glory and an intensely popular travelling collection of petrified guano. Tickets are going fast.
Ben O.
They decided to put up an exclamation point on the Hollywood sign. This lady is bringing the dot.
"Where is that damn square hole? I want to get rid of this round peg."
Cool post...I wish I was clever with these sort fo things, but I look forward to reading everyone's funny responses.
"Humpf....those guys at America's Next Inventor (or whatever it's called) just don't know what they're talking about."
In retrospect, "jane" felt she should have bought the smaller of the hat boxes...
"For when you have a head ache...THIS BIG...Take extra strength Tylenol"
Side Effects...may include problems swallowing, esophagus damage,death or dizziness. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant do not take this medication.
I had the same idea as McBlogger;
"Sue was confident she'd be wearing the biggest hat at the wedding."
I love this game . . .
Ben O.
Not to put too fine a point on it . . .
Ben O.
"Excuse me sir, but did you happen to lose a giant, cement disc?"
Ben O.
"Of all the damned instruments in the band, I had to go and choose bass drum!"
Barnie called. Some dude named Fred wants that back.
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