What's a lil' Tag Amongst Friends?
Okay people, the ever-popular Sadie Lou over at Sadico Junction has mercilessly hit us with the dreaded Alphabet Tag (in Dungeons & Dragons, that would have been a fatal blow). Seeing has how the general consensus in Blogland is that I need an update something fierce, I thought - what better way to start the week?
Here we go . . .
A - Available/Single or Taken? Totally Taken
B - Best Friend? My ultra-sexy wife and our soon to be newborn baby.
C - Cake or pie? Two words - Apple Pie. 'nuff said.
D - Drink Of Choice? Guinness Stout.
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? iPod.
F - Favourite Color? Blue. It makes my eyes look oh so pretty.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms? Uh, do I have to pick? These things are nasty.
H - Hometown? Irving, Texas (former home of Texas Stadium)
I - Indulgence? Music. I consider it a hobby (listening, learning about, playing, etc.)
J - January or February? January, I guess. I like them both because they are perfect for skiing here in Colorado.
K - Kids & Their Names? 1 on the way. B/G
L - Life is Incomplete Without? A relationship with God
M - Marriage date? '97
N - Number of Siblings? Two.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples (Macintosh, Gala and Washington Honeycrisp). I also like those lil' Clementine oranges alot, though.
P - Phobias/Fears? I used to think that I had a fear of flying, but I've since come to realize that in reality what I really have is a fear of crashing into the ground at 500 miles per hour. Go figure.
Q - Favourite (movie) Quote? (From "Raising Arizona") "Son, you've got a panty on your head."
R - Reason to Smile? Good cup of coffee. McDonald's french fries. The little things in life.
S - Season? Spring or Fall? 100% Fall. I like Spring the least (Sorry, Spring.)
T - Tag 3 people?
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I am really not 7 feet tall, like the mainstream media would have you believe.
V - Vegetable you don’t like? What is that strange white broccoli thing. I don't like that too much.
W - Worst Habit? Coke (the drink, not the illegal narcotic).
X - X-rays You’ve Had? Arm and teeth
Y - Your Favorite Food? Pizza and french fries (try them together sometime - it's good)
Z – Zodiac sign? Gemini
Ben O.
Here we go . . .
A - Available/Single or Taken? Totally Taken
B - Best Friend? My ultra-sexy wife and our soon to be newborn baby.
C - Cake or pie? Two words - Apple Pie. 'nuff said.
D - Drink Of Choice? Guinness Stout.
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? iPod.
F - Favourite Color? Blue. It makes my eyes look oh so pretty.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms? Uh, do I have to pick? These things are nasty.
H - Hometown? Irving, Texas (former home of Texas Stadium)
I - Indulgence? Music. I consider it a hobby (listening, learning about, playing, etc.)
J - January or February? January, I guess. I like them both because they are perfect for skiing here in Colorado.
K - Kids & Their Names? 1 on the way. B/G
L - Life is Incomplete Without? A relationship with God
M - Marriage date? '97
N - Number of Siblings? Two.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples (Macintosh, Gala and Washington Honeycrisp). I also like those lil' Clementine oranges alot, though.
P - Phobias/Fears? I used to think that I had a fear of flying, but I've since come to realize that in reality what I really have is a fear of crashing into the ground at 500 miles per hour. Go figure.
Q - Favourite (movie) Quote? (From "Raising Arizona") "Son, you've got a panty on your head."
R - Reason to Smile? Good cup of coffee. McDonald's french fries. The little things in life.
S - Season? Spring or Fall? 100% Fall. I like Spring the least (Sorry, Spring.)
T - Tag 3 people?
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I am really not 7 feet tall, like the mainstream media would have you believe.
V - Vegetable you don’t like? What is that strange white broccoli thing. I don't like that too much.
W - Worst Habit? Coke (the drink, not the illegal narcotic).
X - X-rays You’ve Had? Arm and teeth
Y - Your Favorite Food? Pizza and french fries (try them together sometime - it's good)
Z – Zodiac sign? Gemini
Ben O.
I'm devastated that you're not really 7 feet tall.
And since it's ages since I last did a meme, I'll get working on it ;)
I can always count on you, Terri.
It's pretty startling when people hear that I'm not 7 feet tall for the first time. It's pretty hard having your so-called reality smashed to bits.
Ben O.
Strang white broccoli thing.
That had me snorting. I don't like it either. It smells like gym socks when you're cooking it and it tastes like death.
You're an iPod junkie.
__The Official Blog Police Has Spoken__
You have no idea . . . I keep it in my pocket at all times. I listen at work, at home and I even run with it.
I need professional counseling.
I was so excited that you tagged me that I forgot to comment. How sad is that!
Hmmmm, Guinness.
fun stuff. this is from the 2nd of the 2 siblings. :) can't wait to meet the baby on the way in a few weeks! and get this...the lone star state saw snow today! God doesn't save it all for the mountains. :)
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